Different Species of Cockroaches

Different Types of Cockroaches

Cockroaches are some of the most persistent insects known to have existed for millions of years and they are found in thousands of species in different parts of the world, among the types include German, American, brown-bodied, and Oriental & more.

This article includes; a description of various cockroach species found in the United States, their behavior, and the significance of early detection and control of the infestation.After  knowing types of cockroaches we can easily prepare our home for cockroach extermination.

Primary groups of Cockroaches

Types of cockroaches and there two primary groups

Cockroaches can be broken into 2 primary groups: Peridomestic and domestic cockroaches.

Domestic Cockroaches:

  • These cockroaches are also known to be living in humans.
  • They are mostly found in closed areas of the house, such as the kitchen and the bathroom.

It is found in places where there are people; in their homes, school, offices, and even in hospitals.

Peridomestic Cockroaches:

  • These are cockroaches that can cohabit with humans but they are more willing to inhabit the outdoors.
  • They are often located in the outdoors.

They only come indoors when extreme weather conditions are likely to affect them outside.

Trait American German BrownBanded Oriental Australian Smoky Brown Asian

Scientific Name 

Periplaneta americana

Blattella germanica

Supella longipalpa

Blatta orientalis

Periplaneta australasiae

Periplaneta fuliginosa

Blattella asahinai










Reddish brown

Light brown



Dark brown

Dark brown

Brown or black


1.5 inch

~ ½ inch

~ ½ inch

> 1 inch

~ 1 inch

> 2 inches

~½ inch


Long antennae, reddish-brown body with lighter markings

Dark brown stripes behind the head

Yellow bands across the back

Shiny black body, short wings

Dark body with lighter-colored edges

Dark, glossy wings

Two dark stripes on the head


Up to 2 years

Over 1 year

Up to 1 year

Up to 180 days

Up to 2 years

Up to 1.5 years

Up to 6 months


~ 16 eggs every 2 months

~ 40 eggs every 12 months

~ 18 eggs every 3 weeks

~ 15 eggs every 34 weeks

Egg sac with ~ 20 eggs

~ 20 eggs every 13 weeks

~ 40 eggs every 4 weeks

A detailed view of Cockroaches:

1)American Cockroach

American cockroaches


The American cockroach which is also known as the palmetto bug is one of the largest species that prefers living in homes. Adults are reddish-brown and possess lighter yellow frills around the area behind the head.

Despite having long antennae, these insects are usually not more than two inches in length or even bigger.


American cockroaches are most commonly associated with warm and moist conditions. Usually, they are located in drains, basements, and any other place that experiences humidity.

Indoors, they prefer to stay in the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room which are warm and near sources of food and water.


American cockroaches are primarily active during the night though they hide during the day because there is less interference. They are categorized as omnivores and feed on spoiling material, garbage, and other foods that are intended for human consumption.

They are also fast runners, and though they cannot fly they can be able to fly for short distances.

Health Risks:

Urban cockroaches, specifically the American cockroaches, are capable of transmitting bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella. They also spread diseases such as allergies and asthma to humans, especially those who are sensitive to their shed skin and droppings.

It is quite uncomfortable and psychologically irritating to see Cockroaches within one’s environment.

2)German Cockroach

German Cockroaches among different types of cockroaches


The German cockroach is a smaller version of the American cockroach and is known to be about half the size at most. As for the color, they are light brown with two dark brown stripes running horizontally starting from behind their head.

While the American cockroach has wings and does not often use them to fly, the German cockroach has wings but is unable to fly.


This is a house cockroach since they primarily infest human habitats. They require warm and damp conditions with less interference from humans and with readily available food and water sources.

These include kitchens, pantries, bathrooms as well as laundry rooms in homes that they target. Their preferred hiding places are cracks, gaps, under appliances, and interiors of cabinets.


These cockroaches are dark like the other cockroaches from America. They are opportunistic feeders and will use such things as excess foods, bites, and decomposing materials.

Want to know more about what attracts cockroaches to your home?

German cockroaches are very prolific breeders and can produce, on average, one egg capsule with about 40 eggs per year. This makes them a difficult pest to control once it has become set.

Health Risks:

Like the American cockroaches, German cockroaches are capable of transmitting and spreading diverse bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella. The shed skin and droppings of these reptiles can give rise to allergic reactions and asthma, especially in people with fragile health.

German cockroaches can be stressful and uncomfortable for many individuals to have in their homes or workplaces.

3)BrownBanded Cockroach

Brown branded Cockroaches among different types of cockroaches


The brown-banded cockroach is another small cockroach; its size is almost like the German one and reaches a length of half an inch.

The most distinct feature is an orange stripe that runs across the width of the animal’s back while their general body color is mainly brown.


The brown-banded cockroaches however are a little different in that they are warm and dry cockroaches, unlike the moist-loving ones. These are usually situated in upper cabinets, shelves, near electric appliances, and almost anywhere that there is clutter.

Bathrooms or pantries are also possible sites, especially if they create warm conditions.


These cockroaches are night active but you may see it at daytime if it has been disturbed. They are omnivores and it has been found that they will feed on crumbs, any food particles left behind, glue, or even paper.

However, while German cockroaches are good at climbing surfaces, brown-banded roaches are awful climbers and tend to favor flat surfaces. The reproduction rate is moderate; they are known to lay approximately 18 eggs at intervals of 3 weeks.

Health Risks:

Similarly to many other cockroach species, brown-bodied cockroaches can transmit pathogens. This shed skin and droppings can cause allergic reactions such as skin rashes, breathing difficulties as well as asthma in vulnerable individuals.

Even though brown-banded cockroaches are not as regular household pests as other species of cockroaches, research indicates that they can cause bronchial asthma, especially among children.

4)Oriental Cockroach

Oriental Cockroaches among different types of cockroaches


The oriental cockroach is also called the water bug because it is usually found in these areas, and the insect measures more than an inch and is a large cockroach. Adults are dark brown or almost black and have a shiny smooth body.

While the females have wings called wing pads, the males have short wings that don’t even go all the way to the end of their abdominal segments. Neither can fly.


Oriental cockroaches can inhabit warmer environments but they are known to thrive in cool and wet areas. These are naturally found in basements, crawl spaces, sewers, drains, and even under porches.

Inside, they can go into sections containing kitchens and bathrooms, close to areas of dampness such as areas with a flow of water.


These cockroaches are slower to move as compared to other species and are mainly evening. They are omnivores, their diet comprises carrion, garbage, and even pet food.

In contrast to German cockroaches, they cannot reproduce at the same rate; in fact, female cockroaches can lay approximately 15 eggs within 34 weeks.

Health Risks:

Like other cockroaches, oriental roaches can also transmit germs such as E. coli and Salmonella bacteria. Despite this, their shed skin and droppings can cause allergies, and this is more so for those individuals who are sensitive to dust.

For the same reason that they inhabit sewers and drainages, they might come with increased chances of spreading pathogenic bacteria.

5)Australian Cockroach

Australian Cockroaches among different types of cockroaches


The Australian cockroach as its name suggests is generated originally in Australia but it is found all over the world, especially in warm and moist climates. It is an average-sized cockroach that measures approximately 1 inch in overall length.

The adults are dark brown with a single yellow or pale area in the front of the thorax or chest segment and the edges of their forewings.


Originally, an outdoor cockroach, the Australian cockroach is well adapted to live in areas with moisture and rotting organic matter. These insects mainly reside under heaps of mulch, fallen leaves, and loose tree bark.

In some of the more southern states where they may find warmer winters they are sometimes able to go inside, but they prefer not to and will only go to basements or rooms that are damp like bathrooms or the laundry.


Australian cockroaches are active at night and are likely to go looking for food at night. They are also opportuny and will feed on dead leaves, fruits, and almost anything organic.

They are good climbers and can easily gain entrance to buildings through chinks or crevices around pipes.

Health Risks:

Although not as frequently seen as some other indoor cockroach species, Australian cockroaches are also known to carry and transmit bacteria, such as Salmonella, if they enter a home.

Its shed skin and fecal matter can cause allergies or asthma in people with such complications.

6)Smoky Brown Cockroach

Smoky Brown Cockroaches among different types of cockroaches


One type of cockroach is the smoky brown cockroach which is big, stretching up two inches at most. Their outer color is a smoky brown, which is a very dark mahogany kind of color.

Unlike most cockroaches, passenger cars are fairly good fliers once they have attained the adult stage.


Known primarily as an outdoor roach, The smoky brown cockroach prefers warm, humid areas with a good amount of plant matter. They can often be seen inhabiting landscapes rich in woods, residing under the mulch in the area of heaps of leaves, or the area of tree holes, mainly.

They may sometimes enter residential areas such as crawl spaces, garages, or sheds in warmer climates when they are in search of shelter as well as if there is moisture particularly if they have been attracted.


Often termed as smoky brown cockroaches, they are night and prefer to stay hidden in cracks and holes which are often humid and covered with litter during the day. They are nonselective feeders and they feed on things like dead leaves, fruits, pet food, and all other organic substances.

Since these creatures are capable of flying, they can move from outdoor larval breeding sites to possible access points around structures.

Health Risks:

Like all cockroaches, smoky brown cockroaches can be carriers of bacteria including E. Coli and Salmonella, and may spread these diseases if they can enter indoors and come into contact with food.

Their shed skin and feces are recognized to cause allergic reactions and asthma in people who have sensitivity to the two.

7)Asian Cockroach

Asian Cockroaches among different types of cockroaches


The Asian cockroach is another type of small cockroach that looks quite similar to the German cockroach and has dimensions of up to half an inch in length.

Their color can be brown or black while some possess weak black streaks on their heads starting from the crown.


As a domestic pest species, the Asian cockroach is mainly associated with living outdoors in areas of high humidity where there is ample dead plant material. These fleas are usually found in mulch beds, compost piles, under matured leaves, and near areas with landscaping.

Mice, for instance, can occasionally sneak into homes through doors and windows chasing light since they become active during late evening.


These cockroaches are mostly found in the Asian region and are most predominant during the evening times and they are known to have a very high flying power. They are nocturnal and can be observed around areas that have light such as by the window, lamp, and television.

These are opportunistic feeders that can feed on raids, human discards, decomposing plant material, and any other organic matter. Compared to the most common German cockroach, Asian cockroaches are not strictly an interior species.

Health Risks:

Though it is highly improbable for Asian cockroaches to be a severe indoor pest they are in a position to transmit disease-causing germs similar to other species of cockroaches if they manage to find their way into your home.

The shed skin and droppings of people who come into contact with them may cause sensitization or asthmatic episodes in some people.

How we Identify different types of  Cockroaches

Here’s a quick guide to help you identify some common cockroach species:

  • American Cockroach: Up to 2 inches, reddish brown, glossy body.


  • German Cockroach: About ½ inch, light brown with two dark horizontal stripes on the pronotum (area behind the head).


  • BrownBanded Cockroach: About ½ inch, light brown with a light yellow band across the back.


  • Oriental Cockroach: Over 1 inch, dark brown or black, shiny body. Females have very short wings, while males have wings that don’t quite cover their abdomen.


  • Australian Cockroach: Around 1 inch, dark brown with a light-colored band on the thorax.


  • Smoky Brown Cockroach: Up to 2 inches, dark, uniform mahogany brown color.


  • Asian Cockroach: About ½ inch, brown to black, with faint dark stripes possible on the head.

Signs of Infestation

Here are some common signs to watch out for to identify a potential cockroach infestation:


  • American Cockroach: Look for dark brown or black, long droppings about ½ inch long.
  • German Cockroach: Tiny, black, pepperlike droppings.
  • BrownBanded Cockroach: Small, dark brown or black, pellets-shaped droppings.
  • Oriental Cockroach: Shiny, black, cylindrical droppings that can be segmented.
  • Australian Cockroach: Dark brown or black, elongated droppings, similar to American cockroaches but smaller.
  • Smoky Brown Cockroach: Dark brown or black, elongated droppings, similar to American cockroaches but larger.
  • Asian Cockroach: Tiny, black, pepperlike droppings, similar to German cockroaches.


Egg Cases:

  • American Cockroach: Reddish brown, purse-shaped egg cases containing up to 16 eggs.
  • German Cockroach: Light brown to tan, capsule-shaped egg cases containing around 40 eggs.
  • BrownBanded Cockroach: Light brown or tan, teardrop-shaped egg cases containing about 18 eggs.
  • Oriental Cockroach: Dark brown or black, leathery egg cases containing around 15 eggs.
  • Australian Cockroach: Dark brown, elongated egg cases containing up to 30 eggs.
  • Smoky Brown Cockroach: Dark brown, elongated egg cases containing a similar number of eggs to American cockroaches.
  • Asian Cockroach: Light brown, capsule-shaped egg cases containing a smaller number of eggs compared to German cockroaches.



A musty, oily, or unpleasant smell can indicate a cockroach infestation, especially if it’s stronger in specific areas.Want to know more about cockroach infestation smell read this article What do cockroach infestations smell like?


Additional Signs:

  • Shed skins: Look for cockroach shells as they lose during growth.
  • Smear marks: Brown or greasy smudges left by roaches as they travel along walls or surfaces.
  • Restlessness or unusual behavior of pets: Pets may become wild or attempt to catch cockroaches if they see them.


In conclusion, understanding the different types of cockroaches is crucial for effective pest control. Cockroaches like the American, German, BrownBanded, Oriental, Australian, Smoky Brown, and Asian varieties have different characteristics and behaviors.

Identifying signs of infestation such as droppings, egg cases, and odors is essential. Practical solutions like sanitation, sealing entry points, using traps and baits, fumigation and seeking professional pest control can help stop cockroach infestations.

Regular cleaning, moisture control, and implementing preventive measures are key to maintaining a clean and healthy home free from cockroaches.Want to know more natural methods to repel these creatures read this article The Best Scents that Repel Cockroaches


What are the 7 types of cockroaches?
There are 7 types of cockroaches:

  • Brown-banded cockroach
  • American cockroach
  • Oriental cockroach
  • Smoky brown cockroach
  • Lesser cockroach
  • Turkestan cockroach
  • Florida woods cockroach

What is the most popular cockroach?
 German cockroaches (Blattella germanica) are among the most common. Adults range from 13 to 16 mm in length, with pale brown bodies and two dark-brown stripes along the back of the head.

What is the rarest type of cockroach?
The Madagascar hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa) is one of the rarest and is restricted to Madagascar, an island in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa.

What are the worst types of cockroaches?
The German cockroach is often considered the “king” of roaches due to its likelihood to infest homes.

Can cockroaches fly?
 While many cockroach species have wings as adults, not all are strong fliers, and some cannot fly at all.

Is it safe to touch cockroaches?
Touching cockroaches can expose you to bacteria that cause illnesses like dysentery.

Can roaches hurt you?
While they carry bacteria, cockroaches are generally not dangerous and will not bite or attack. However, their movement can spread germs in your home.

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